D915, or the Road to Hell as it has been called by other adventure travelers has gained the surname of the Most Dangerous Road in the World.
D915 Road Turkey – Most Dangerous Road in the World, Bayburt-Of Yolu ascends gently along tea plantations and charming landscapes. As you continue riding up, the road gets narrower and doesn’t leave room for 2 vehicles at the same time. The turns are tighter and tighter, the road sloping, the apex variable, and the landscapes more impressive.
The asphalt ends abruptly, leaving a narrow path to guide us. From time-to-time cold streams flow from the rocky wall of the mountain, flooding the stone road. 13 tight turns take you on a steep incline from 1712m to 2035m in altitude in only 5 km. The road is narrow, has a slope between 6 and 10% and no guardrails in sight.